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Submission guidelines
Please note that the more information - more over, better information - you provide, the better we are able to promote your work on our social media and websites.
Release info: What is your track/album about? What would you want us to share with our audience. Be as complete and relevant as possible;
Artist info: Tell us about yourself. What would you want us to share with our audience with regard to this release? Be as complete and relevant as possible;
Audio format: At least 128k mp3 (320k preferred), WAV, flac, or m4a;
Video files are welcomed, but space is limited. Give us instead your YouTube or Vimeo link;
Pics: submit at least 1 artist pic and 1 track/album pic (minimum: 640x640px, 1200x1200px preferred);
Media handles: provide at least one of these links: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify.
Oh, before we forget...
We love voices. So if you find the time, please include your station ID for UbuntuFM!