Airplay submission

Create an account with us in order to submit your work. We have other platforms for #World#African#HipHop, #Dance, #Latin, #Jazz, #Soul, #Reggae culture, and our #Radio channel site. Please check them if you want to know what suits you. Don't hesitate to contact us first.


Submit your work here

Submission guidelines

Please note that the more information - more over, better information - you provide, the better we are able to promote your work on our social media and websites.

  • Release info: What is your track/album about? What would you want us to share with our audience. Be as complete and relevant as possible;

  • Artist info: Tell us about yourself. What would you want us to share with our audience with regard to this release? Be as complete and relevant as possible;

  • Audio format: At least 128k mp3 (320k preferred), WAV, flac, or m4a;

  • Video files are welcomed, but space is limited. Give us instead your YouTube or Vimeo link;

  • Pics: submit at least 1 artist pic and 1 track/album pic (minimum: 640x640px, 1200x1200px preferred);

  • Media handles: provide at least one of these links: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, iTunes, Spotify.

Oh, before we forget...

We love voices. So if you find the time, please include your station ID for UbuntuFM!