Have a Little Faith in the World was written along the shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Thinking about how easy it is to lose faith in each other, I channeled my energy into writing a song that calls on us to remember that evil actions don't represent the majority of people. In fact, it's a very small percentage that carry out these horrible crimes. We can't lose faith in each other. We cannot allow those misguided souls to take away our trust, our love, our joy.
Dennis Warner
What kind of world are we leaving for our kids?
Our children are watching and learning from us. Both consciously and unconsciously, we are molding them, like clay on a wheel sculpted by the potter.
Dennis’ song and book, “Beads on One String”, emphasizes the importance of our commonalities. Warner explains, “Like a beaded necklace, we are all different sizes, shapes and colors, but all held together by one string. That’s how I see us all around the world. It’s the string, the things we share in common, that holds us together.”